Home » Guitar Diet

Guitar Diet

by Larry

I’ve been back from camping for a few days now, had a wonderful Father’s Day and found some new life in my playing.  Even worked out a couple more measures in a piece I’m writing.  I was joking to my

wife that, at this pace, I might finish it in another year or so.


In my “Back To Basics” post, I mentioned that I needed to work on technique for a bit because I was stuck in a rut and needed to change my practice formula.  Last weeks obstacle was focusing on one song and forgetting the others.  At one point I was saying to myself, “You’ve been playing for 20+ years and you can’t play shit!”   (insert primal scream here).  Just a bit of unnecessary negativity to keep me from playing my best but I’m better now.

Moving on…..

So fresh off of my trip, I come back more relaxed and with a fresh head.  I decided to write down all of the songs that I’ve been working on the last 6 months.  Next thing you know, I had ten songs on that slip of paper to prove that I just might might be able to play this guitar I was cursing last week.   I’m now using this list as a guide for my practicing, treating it as a kind of set-list of sorts.  After finishing the list, I feel a sense of accomplishment and I’m more focused and don’t ignore the other songs.

Lesson Learned?

I’ve read and been told many times to keep a journal of your practice and structure it so this revelation is nothing new.  I used to be able to keep track of everything I do in my head and it was easy but as I grow older and have more things to keep track of, my mind is beginnings to let me down.  I try with the best intentions to keep a log/journal of my playing with bit of success but always fall back into the same old bad habits.

Will this be the start of a continuing good habit or will I be like a dieter falling off the wagon who binges on doughnuts and milkshakes? I can’t say, knowing me, I’ll improve a bit and then stop and have the idea all over again.  We’ll see, but now I’m craving doughnuts.

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Vinny Chapel June 22, 2008 - 4:48 am

Wow, your post could have been written by me – both about writing things down, etc. AND about dieting LOL.

Keep on plugging. It’s been proven that if you want to form a new habit it only takes 21 days of repetition.

Larry June 22, 2008 - 9:37 am

Might take a bit longer for me because my mind tends to wonder a bit but hopefully I’ll keep it going. I’ve all ready seen an improvement in my all around playing since I started this diet.
Thanks for the response, It’s good to hear I’m not alone.


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