Home » Mountain Guitar

Mountain Guitar

by Larry

My Mountin Practice Studio I’m at 11,000 ft in the Colorado mountains, just got my tent setup and the sleet/snow begins to fall, driving me in for cover.  Like chard’s of plastic falling on my rain fly, a rhythm began to emerge.  Embracing the moment, I unpacked the guitar and being to jam with nature.  For a good forty minutes it was just me, my guitar and the rain.  An inspired  forty minutes that washed away the ass kicking that work gave me the past month.

I used to be extremely uncomfortable being alone up there or any place away from the distractions of technology because I was forced to face the many thoughts/ideas/rants rattling around in my head.  It could be quite nerve racking and I preferred to drown it out with iPods, computers or conversations with friends.  Over the pasBuffalo Peaks; Hiking Trailt couple trips, I have found that this “alone time” was an opportunity to face the cacophony of thoughts in my head and I was forced to organize and purge; getting comfortable with myself and in turn, more comfortable, with my playing.

So here’s to getting more comfortable and getting better!

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Amish Guitar October 1, 2008 - 11:39 am

Fabulous! I could hear the sleet against you tent and the music you made with nature. Excellent post. Sadly, hiking up a mountainside isn’t an option in northern Indiana. Perhaps I could go sit in a cornfield? At any rate, I’m glad you found the time. Sounds like you really needed it.

Larry October 2, 2008 - 10:22 am

Yes, it’s a yearly trip that I look forward to. It’s great to get away and decompress.
A cornfield would be interesting! The countryside, whether it’s the mountains, desert or a cornfield, can be very inspiring in their own way.
Although, last time I was in a cornfield, I got bit to death by mosquitoes.

MacNichol Guitars October 6, 2008 - 5:53 pm

Hiking and guitars – my two favorite things, although I’ve never done both at the same time.

Robin Easton October 11, 2008 - 4:24 pm

What a poignant and honest post. I loved this one. I too could hear the sleet because I know that sound so well, but I wish I’d also heard you playing the guitar. When you can you ought to get a ZOOM H4 and take it with you and record yourself playing in the rain or sleet or other places. It’s not too bad little dig. recorder. It’s not professional but fun for things like this.

This post also touched me as to stopping the internal chatter in your mind. Boy, I’;ve been going 7 days a week and rarely under 10 – 12 hours, many days over that and I feel very burned out this week. The worst is all the chaos in my head from being on the computer for hours and hour, all day long. So I could relate to needing this time out. I’ve got to do it here at some point.

I was also very touched by your comment on my post. You are obviously a good person; it’s reflected in how you talk about your wife and your life and your music…a lof it. Don’t forget that. Nor that others see that in you. 🙂

This was a special post. I really really like it. Did me good to read. Thanks, Robin

Robin Easton October 11, 2008 - 4:26 pm

PS I Stumbled your site and this post!!! 🙂 🙂

Robin Easton October 11, 2008 - 4:28 pm

PPS This post also make me realize that I just want more time to do some recording and music which I’ve not had time to do for awhile. Although I play the piano or Native American flute almost daily. It helps keep me sane!!! 🙂 🙂 I know you understand.

Larry October 13, 2008 - 4:10 pm

@Robin – I’ve heard a lot of good things about the H4. It’s definitely on my list of getting things. I do have something to record ideas but, wouldn’t you know it, I forgot to push the record button.
I love the Native American flute! When I was in College, I met R. Carlos Nakai when he gave a lecture on Native American Issues. He perform one song and it was beautiful.


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