Last Wednesday, I was able to to see Bruce Cockburn and Joan Osborne for a taping of etown radio, a two hour show featuring great music and interviews with both Cockburn and Osborne.
Bruce’s Set
- Slow Down Fast
- Pacing The Cage
- Interview with host Nick Forster
- (Joan Osborne Played Her Set)
- If a Tree Falls
- Beautiful Creatures
- Jerusalem Poker
- The City is Hungry
Bruce walks out on stage with a new hairstyle; grown long and pulled back to a pony tail, samurai style. He made a joke that he needed to put a bone in his hair to complete the look. Bruce played two small sets with an interview placed in the middle. Nick Forster (etown host) asked Bruce questions about his accomplishments, influences and intentions regarding songwriting. A common theme in Bruce’s answers was that he didn’t want to look back but just live in the moment. He said, at one point, his greatest achievement was being on “this stage at this time.”
His performance of Jerusalem Poker was incredible. It never ceases to amaze me how he can keep that thumb going while he plays the ridiculously hard solo for that song. His last selection was a new piece called “The City is Hungry.” He mentioned that it was inspired by New York City where has spent quite a bit of time visiting his girlfriend.
Even though this was a shorter performance that I’m used to, Bruce was in great form and I can’t wait to see him for the “Slice of Life Tour.”
P.S. I went to this concert only to see Bruce but I have to say that Joan Osborne blew my mind. Her voice is so strong and her tone is spine tingling. She put on a great show and I look forward seeing her live again. Loved her performance so much I bought Relish and Little Wild One
the next day.
Dang! I just wrote a long comment here and my screen just went blank and it vanished. And it was a GOOD one too!!! LOL!
I was sooooooo touched by your comment on my post. I spent this afternoon listening to “child of the wind” over and over and over and over. I am STILL listening to it. I had not ever heard it and I cannot tell you what that song did for my, Larry. I have been so buried in work lately, hardly had time to blog, no time to hike. Feeling like I was losing my self to the “Machine” of what we all have to do to stay alive: eat, roof over our heads, etc. And when I listened to that song I felt more ME than I have in WEEKS or more. I sat here with tears in my eyes. I’m serious. I felt inspired, alive, free, especially free. I KNEW who I am. I felt so me I had tears running down my face, I picked up an old pencil and just started writing I felt so moved. I started writing from my heart, just my thoughts and feelings about….who I am, what I feel. I’d not done that (not like THAT) in a long time.
I do SO much writing for work that after awhile the reason I originally started to write gets lost. I was stunned, amazed and deeply honored that you associated that song with me. And YET, when I listened to it — like I said — I felt soooooooooo ME. I was impressed with your insight and wisdom….that you made that connection. I needed that song right now in my life more than I can tell you. You have given me a HUGE gift. One I am deeply grateful for. I actually bookmarked the song right up on my menu bar so I can listen to is whenever I want.
Then I come here and you have been to see him perform. That must have been absolutely amaaaazing. I am going to check out these other links you have here. Do you know what is so cool? Every bit of music that you have recommended I have liked. I think that is wonderful. You pick the BEST stuff.
Thank you so much for making my whole day and more. It is SUCH an wonderful gift, Larry. I am honored and touched. 🙂 🙂 And happy!!!
I hadn’t heard of Bruce Cockburn until I taught Pacing the Cage to one of my students. It was one of the first fingerstyle songs I taught–a big challenge at the time.
It’s here on my free guitar chords page. What do you think?
Looks pertty good. Thanks for the comment.
Daniel Keebler, editor of Gavin’s Woodpile (a Bruce Cockburn newsletter and then website) since 1994, has just self-published (via a book of his personal photographs of Bruce Cockburn over the past 15 years. As far as we know, it’s the only book about Bruce in existence.
Full info is here: