Home » Colin Hay, Man at Work

Colin Hay, Man at Work

by Larry

Haven’t had much time to play this past week because I decided to paint the room I practice in.  I needed change.  The nice thing about tooling around the house is that I turn on the iPod and jam on some tunes.  I’ve had Colin Hay’s “Man at Work” CD on my mind a lot lately, so it’s my next in my “what’s in my CD collection” recommendation list.

If you are a fan of the 80’s, you are probably familiar with Colin Hay and his  band Men at Work.  With songs like “Overkill,”  “Down Under” and “Who Could it be Now,”  I remember watching them on MTV back in the day when MTV actually played music videos.   The 80’s were over and Colin Hay seemed to have disappeared.

Maybe Not…

A couple of years ago, I was watching an episode of Scrubs and Hay played an acoustic version of “Overkill” and it was amazing and much better than the 80’s version.  Which leads to the  “Man at Work” release which such acoustic versions of some of the 80’s Men at Work classics like “Overkill” (my favorite) and “Down Under”.  He also has some new stuff that is reflective and thought provoking like e “Waiting for My Real Life to Begin” and “Beautiful World.”  If you don’t have this, you won’t be sorry if you get it.  These are also great to learn to play and sing along.  I’m working on “Overkill” and “Waiting for My Real Life to Begin” myself.

9.13.08:  For those of you that are trying to figure out “Waiting for My Real Life to Begin,”  the song is in standard tuning, played in G with the capo at the 4th fret.  Most of the song is C-Maj – D-Maj to G-Maj.

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Amish Guitar aka K. Jay August 2, 2008 - 7:19 am

I love Colin Hay’s music! I first became aware of his solo work by seeing him on Scrub. His songs “Waiting for my real life to begin” and “It’s a wonderful world” were used in other shows from that same season.

Have you listened to Mr. Hay’s “Going Somewhere” CD? A few of the same tunes are included, but all the songs are performed on acoustic guitar. No added orchestras or electronic sound. Definitely worth checking out.

Larry August 2, 2008 - 7:48 am

Yeah, I have “Going Somewhere” as well. I actually prefer the versions on that disc a bit more at times, especially “Beautiful World.” Like you said, just him and the guitar.


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