Home » Friday Afternoon Guitar Shopping

Friday Afternoon Guitar Shopping

by Larry

I didn’t have to work today so I met up with my wife at her work to have lunch.  The beauty of this, besides being able to spend some time with my wife, is that she works across the street from a acoustic guitar store full of Martins, Larrivee’s, Blueridge’s, etc….  My GAS (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome) always tends to flare up during these times. 

After lunch, we had about 5 minutes to kill and I wandered in to by a thumb pick and some strings.  I also had just enough time to noodle around with a beautiful Larrivee and a Blueridge Parlor guitar.  I’ve been in love with Jean Larrivee guitars for quite a while and this one was a joy to play.  Nice bright tone and my fingers seemed to glide over the strings and frets.

I’ve become a fan of the Blueridge parlors just recently and if I had to choose, I would take both : ).  Seriously, I would probably pick up the Blueridge.  Reasons being:

  1. The Parlor is a better guitar for me ergonomically
  2. I just love the  1 7/8″ neck width.  My fingers have room and feels a bit like a classical in that sense but not too wide so I can still use my thumb in fingerings.
  3. It has a V neck.  A lot of electrics have V necks and I thought this might be new for the acoustics.  I asked the owner of the shop about it and he said that V necks were very common for acoustic guitars, especially parlors.

I went home empty handed but got my fix for a while.  One day, one of those suckers will come home with me. 


http://www.larrivee.com/2_Main/main.html  (Larrivee Guitars)

An example of the Blueridge parlor I liked.  Not the same shop or guitar that I played but nice pics.  Pretty good price too. 

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1 comment

Fellow Larrivee Guitars Lover June 23, 2008 - 2:24 pm

“I’ve been in love with Jean Larrivee guitars for quite a while and this one was a joy to play.”

I first discovered Larrivees about 15 years ago when they had tons of inlay. Things have toned down a bit, but I still love the feel and sound. Great guitars.


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