Home » Tommy Emmanuel Tabs: Part II

Tommy Emmanuel Tabs: Part II

by Larry

If You have read some of my previous Tommy posts, you will know I’m on a quest for an accurate Borsalino transcription.  I think I found one that when combined with the other transcription that I found, I get a pretty good idea on how to play it.  The thing that makes this so hard is that Tommy plays the song differently depending on when he played it.  So there cold possibly be many versions of tab out there.  Anyway, this site has many different transcriptions for you to try out.  (I lost count after 20)  They are in PDF format so you don’t have to worry about having Guitar Pro or Power Tab.

I have sampled two two transcriptions; Borsalino and Bye Bye Blackbird(Up Close DVD).  Borsalino is fairly accurate but it’s hard to say because in the performance notes for the transcription, it says, “As seen in concert…”   What concert would that be?  Who knows but it fills some holes the other left.  Bye Bye Blackbird is OK as far as the notes and fingering but the rhythm was not as accurate as I had hoped.  In the “Up Close” DVD, Tommy did a lot of syncopation which wasn’t represented in the music.

Of course, a sample of two tabs doesn’t represent the whole of the transcriptions available.  Please check it out and leave a comment with your findings/recommendatons.  I am excited to see what others think.

Keep Playing!


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