Home » Free Guitar Resources

Free Guitar Resources

by Larry

The Internet has become a wealth of information for any subject and I am so grateful for what I’ve learned from its contents.  I have found gear, books, and lessons for a decent price, delivered right to my home.  This convenience is wonderful but with budgets tightening a bit, buying a book or services on the Internet may not always be an option.  It would also be nice to get out of the house every once in a while.

I would like to remind everyone of a resource that is free, full of information and is usually within minutes of your home.  I’m talking about your local public library, a wonderful resource that many in the Internet age forget.  I had the day off and found my way to our local branch that is only a few blocks away, with the goal of finding some books to help me with my playing and broaden my musical knowledge.  When I arrived at my branch, I was pleasantly surprised by how many were waiting to get in.  A scene that contradicts my earlier, “Internet age has forgotten libraries” statement.  Lots of moms and their kids and people like me looking for little inspiration.  

Our local branch is a bit small so the music section didn’t have too much but I did find a few books that peaked my interests.

  • “Bernstein, A Biography” –  One of my favorite composers and not because of West Side Story, which is great, but because of his Mass.  I was privileged enough to be part of a performance of The Mass when I was in College and it was an incredible experience.
  • “Written in my Soul” –  I’m always looking for insight in songwriting and this book contains stories from some of the great songwriters like Paul Simon, Sting, Elvis Costello, Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell, to name a few
  • “John Renbourn, Fingerstyle Guitar”  –  I was going to buy this book and still might, but I get to try it out for free first.

So if you got a couple hours spare time, give your local branch a try.  You might find something there that you might have never thought about otherwise.

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Amish Guitar July 24, 2008 - 8:39 pm

Speaking for all guitar playing librarians everywhere, thank you. It is always a pleasure to be able to find someone that one bit of information, that one book they really need, or that one article that enlightens them. The internet is what it is, but it can never replace what libraries and librarians do.

K. Jay

Larry July 24, 2008 - 8:53 pm

Your welcome Amish. I had you in mind when I wrote this.


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