Home » Pandora on The iPhone

Pandora on The iPhone

by Larry

In past posts, you have read my recommendations on Pandora Radio offerings.   I love listening to the diverse music online and the musicology podcast is the one of the best out there.  There was something missing, however.  I couldn’t listen to Pandora on the iPhone, until now. 

I recently updated my iPhone to the new version 2.0 software and with that we got the new “App Store.”   Pandora has written a sweet app that will let you listen to you’re selections on your phone.  I know, I know!  I have an iPhone with a ton of music on it, why would I need to stream music now?  I like it because I hear new music that would otherwise be unknown.  Pandora gets me to listen outside the box.  Anyway, if you have the new 3G iPhone or upgraded the older one, give it a shot.  You would be disappointed.

Note:  I did this on the original iPhone so I didn’t need the high speeds of the 3G network to stream the music effectively.

Links: www.pandora.com

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