Home » My Tribute to Dave Carter

My Tribute to Dave Carter

by Larry

In 2001, I stumbled upon a CD that changed my musical life. The CD was called “Drum, Hat, Buddha” by Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer. My first experience was a 30 second clip, “Disappearing Man,” where the pure, piercing voice of Tracy Grammer captured my attention. I was instantly a fan and got the CD. Upon further listening, I began to take notice of the songwriting of Dave Carter and it truly moved me. His lyrics and honest voice will conjure images in your mind that are so vivid, it feels as if you are experiencing the story personally. I was excited with my new discovery and hoped for a day to experience their music live.

To my dismay, Dave Carter left this world six years ago today and only months after I was lucky enough to discover this treasure. I was disappointed and saddened that I would never see him live or hear any new music. Thankfully, Tracy and a strong community of Dave Carter fans have faithfully kept his music alive for all to hear. So today, like many Dave Carter fans, it is with a heavy heart that I will listen to all my Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer CD’s and celebrate the life of a true American treasure.

Dave Carter
August 13, 1952 – July 19, 2002

Learn More About The Music of Dave Carter:





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RainforestRobin July 21, 2008 - 8:14 pm

This is so cool….we like a lot of the same music. I listened to this beautiful CD while reading your post. I was STUNNED when I got to the part where you said he died only six years ago….and he was SO gifted. His songs and her voice…and his voice are just so moving for me. It cuts right through my heart.

Thank you so much for making it possible for us to hear these clips so that we know what we are buying…and WHAT to buy. This is my kind of music. Another winner. I am sorry you will not be able to hear him live. But I think through his music he is still very much with us.

Larry July 21, 2008 - 8:59 pm

I’m glad you like the music, I thought of you and your blog when I wrote this. He used to say that he got the idea for his songs in a dream. When I read your series on Chaco Canyon, I wondered what kind of song would he have written seeing that beautiful landscape, which sometimes seems like a dream to me.


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