Home ยป Tommy Emmanuel on Bob And Tom

Tommy Emmanuel on Bob And Tom

by Larry

Just got this message from Tommy Emmanuel camp.  In case you haven’t listened Bob and Tom, they love practical jokes and are pretty funny.  Their energy and Tommy’s should be quite interesting.

Tommy will be on the top rated National morning radio program BOB AND TOM at
somewhere around 8:30 am EDT on May 20th – from Indianapolis, Indiana.
It is LIVE in 150 cities.
Some cities delay it (Pacific & Mountain time) so they can air as
their morning drive show.
Here is their affiliate list:
Also, here is a pass to their VIP website so you can listen to the show on your computer if Bob and Tom is not broadcast in your city.
Just go to www. bobandtom.com .. and select VIP top right tab.
USER NAME: airheads05
PASSWORD: airheads05
This is a great opportunity to expose Tommy and his music to America. Please pass this information on to others, and if you can…Listen in!

So set your  calendars and alarms so you can wake up in time for a listen.

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